Through 2820 Community Ministry, God is providing opportunities for serving our neighbors in the 35805 area of our city and beyond. A ministry of our Mayfair church family housed in a facility (The Livin’ Room - A nonprofit) located in a strategic area of our city (2820 Governors Drive - 35805), we would love for you to join us in this adventure of faith and service to our community neighbors. Current opportunities include ministry to the homeless/displaced (Ex. - ShowerUp Sundays, Sunday Breakfast, Essential Clothing Item Distributions), our Latino friends (Ex. - School supply distribution to Latino children at Ridgecrest Elementary, ESL Summer Camp), special needs neighbors (Ex. - 305 8th Street Valentine Party & Movie Nights), and city housing residents (Ex. - Boys & Girls Club Partnerships, Open Mic Night, Inner City Learning Center Summer Camp) allow us to practice “loving our neighbors as we love ourself”. For more information on how you can get connected with current ministries taking place or to share an idea you have for serving others, utilizing this unique space/location contact Randy Harvell (drharvell@aol.com) , David Thomason (overdave@yahoo.com), or Randy Fowler (randyfowler480@gmail.com).