Partnering with families, passionately following Jesus.
We provide Bible classes for babies through 6th graders on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. We consider this to be one of our most important areas of ministry. During Bible class, every child is able to connect with kids their own age and at least two adult leaders. Because we are able to teach these children at a moment in their lives when they are most impressionable, we choose curriculum that is both biblically sound but also applicable, relevant and engaging. Before our kids leave our hallways, our goal is for them to hear from the Word of God and understand how they can live it out.
We were created to worship! We believe that placed inside each child is the desire to worship God unashamedly and boldly. We provide a special time of age-appropriate worship called Celebration Station on Sunday mornings in three locations for 2 year olds, 3 and 4 year olds, and K-2nd Graders. A team of worship leaders help children worship God in ways they can understand and connect.
On Sunday mornings, we also provide loving care during worship for babies and toddlers.
There is no one who will have a larger spiritual impact on their child than the family! However, we want you to know that you are not alone in that awesome, God-given responsibility. We realize that one of our most important purposes as the children’s ministry and as the church is helping you. We see our ministry as more than just ministry to children; it’s ministry to families—families of all different shapes and sizes. Therefore, central to our ministry is our partnership with your family. With this in mind, we seek to provide and equip you with resources and opportunities for us to minister to your children together.
As kids are learning and developing, we consider it a top priority that our learning and worship spaces engage the senses. We want to create a place where our kids not only learn about God but experience Him and His Word. We design our hallways and classrooms with this in mind, and at the same time, we are constantly evaluating and discovering how our environment can be more stimulating and surprising.
We also seek to create a warm environment. We want our kids to love coming to church because they know that here, they feel loved and a part of something bigger than themselves.
But equally as important, we seek to create a safe environment. We understand that you are trusting us with your most prized possession, and we take that responsibility seriously. Because of this, we require a strict application process that includes a background check for all children's ministry teachers and volunteers, and we are constantly evaluating how we can make our ministry area more safe and secure.
For your children, our goal is to create an engaging, warm, and safe environment.
The Mayfair Kids Ministry provides events year-round for our toddler, preschool and elementary departments. These events can be broken down into 3 categories, service events, outreach events, and fellowship events. No matter the category, each event is provided to partner with families as, together, we passionately follow Jesus.
Mayfair Kids has the BEST volunteers around! We hope you will prayerfully consider joining this wonderful community!
If you have signed up to serve with us or want more information about how you can serve in our ministry, click the link below to learn more!
Meet our Mayfair Kids Team!