All The Way Up On The Moon

Wonder of the Week - March 26, 2024

All The Way Up On The Moon

First Meal On The Moon

Gather with your family.

Were you surprised to learn what the first meal on the moon was? Buzz Aldrin took communion when he landed on the moon to remember the Easter Story; that Jesus came to earth, lived a perfect lift, was put on a cross to die, and then rose again three days later to destroy sin and death for all who trust in and follow Jesus. He also did it to remember that God was with him, even all the way up there on the moon. Did you know that God is always with you, too?

How does the Easter story remind you that God is always with you?

End your time together by praying as a family. 

Consider using the prayer included in the Wonder of the Week Family Devotional or pray your own prayer.

Follow Along at home

This weeks "Wonder of the Week" taken from "Marvel at the Moon: You're Never Alone in God's Majestic Universe" by Levi Lusko; pp. 64-65.