It's Possible

Wonder of the Week - January 23, 2024

It's Possible

Are They Made Up?

Gather with your family.

Go around the room and have everyone name something they learned. What stuck out to you?

What do you think is the silliest part of a platypus? (ex: lays eggs, looks like different animals glued together, back feet face backwards, uses rocks and mud to chew its food, etc) What about the okapi from "explore the wonder?" Which of these two animals seems most made up?

All of these strange things on an animal may seem impossible, but actually God created them this way on purpose. They aren't made up because God can do the impossible! There's nothing that God cannot do! Hey that reminds me of a song! Try singing "My God is So Big" as a family!

God does things that seem impossible all throughout the Bible and God does the possible today too!

End your time together by praying as a family. 

Consider using the prayer included in the Wonder of the Week Family Devotional or pray your own prayer.

Follow Along At Home

This weeks "Wonder of the Week" taken from The Wonder of Creation: 100 MORE Devotions About God & Science by Louie Giglio; pp. 138-139.