Look Out! It's Gonna Blow!
The Floor is Lava
Gather with your family.
Go around the room and have everyone name something they learned. What stuck out to you?
Have you ever played The Floor Is Lava?" Basically, the floor is, well, "lava" so in order to avoid getting "burned" you have to make your way around the room by jumping on things that aren't the floor. Take a few minutes to play it with your family.
Do you know anyone who reminds you of an exploding volcano by the words they say? Everyone gets angry but how we express our anger is important. Instead of "spewing" your angry words at other people, take your emotions to God in prayer. God understands everything that we go through and He can offer peace and comfort in difficult times!
End your time together by praying as a family.
Consider using the prayer included in the Wonder of the Week Family Devotional or pray your own prayer.
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This weeks "Wonder of the Week" taken from "Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God & Science" by Louie Giglio; pp. 96-97.