Perfectly Planned And Created
Uniquely You!
Gather with your family.
What is one thing you found interesting about camels from this weeks "Wonder of the Week?"
Go around the room and have each person name some of their gifts, talents, and abilities. God made each of us uniquely (like no one else) on purpose and has each of us different talents and abilities! God wants us to use those things to complete his plan to love Him and love others!
What is one way you can use your gifts to love others this week?
End your time together by praying as a family.
Consider using the prayer included in the Wonder of the Week Family Devotional or pray your own prayer.
Follow Along at home
This weeks "Wonder of the Week" taken from "Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God & Science" by Louie Giglio; pp. 114-115.