Want To Be An Astronaut?
Rejection Hurts
Gather with your family.
Go around the room and have everyone name something they learned. What stuck out to you?
Have you ever wanted to become an astronaut? Did you know it took so much training and skill?
Most of the people who try to become an astronaut aren't picked. Is there something you have tried to do but couldn't? Is there something you wanted to be a part of but weren't picked? How did that make you feel?
It hurts to not be chosen, but the good news is that God always chooses you! He loves you that much! God's plan for you life is perfect
End your time together by praying as a family.
Consider using the prayer included in the Wonder of the Week Family Devotional or pray your own prayer.
Follow along at home
This weeks "Wonder of the Week" taken from Marvel at the Moon: 90 Devotions - You're Never Alone In God's Majestic Universe by Levi Lusko; pp. 106-107.