Where Does The Moon Go?

Wonder of the Week - February 14th, 2024

Where Does The Moon Go?

God Is Always There

Gather with your family.

Go around the room and have everyone name something they learned. What stuck out to you?

Go outside as a family. Can you see the moon? If it's night time you can probably see it. During the day time the moon seems to disappear but guess what? It's still there! Have you ever seen the moon when it's light outside? Try looking for the moon in the daytime soon!

Just like the moon is always in the sky, even when we can't see it, God is always there too! Create a memory book, either together as a family or separately to track the times you "see" God working around you.

End your time together by praying as a family. 

Consider using the prayer included in the Wonder of the Week Family Devotional or pray your own prayer.

Follow along at home

This weeks "Wonder of the Week" taken from Marvel at the Moon: 90 Devotions - You're Never Alone In God's Majestic Universe by Levi Lusko; pp. 86-87.